Senin, 14 Oktober 2019

Let's Recognize These 4 Types of Chocolate!

Image result for coklat
Let's Recognize These 4 Types of Chocolate! - Healthy Friend, did you get a lot of chocolate last week? Yep, February is identical to the 'chocolate' month. In addition to many fans because of its sweet taste and can improve the 'mood', the content of antioxidants can also benefit the body, you know!

Reducing the risk of exposure to free radicals, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and premature aging is one of the benefits of its processed products. You know what, the kind? Want to know more, let's see the explanation here!

1.  Chocolate cover
Couverture chocolate is a type of processed product that has the highest quality, because it contains high chocolate fat ( cocoa butter)  . In addition, this type of processed product, the most sensitive at high temperatures, making it very easy to melt.

The products that you often consume, like dark chocolate , milk chocolate  and white chocolate , are also included in this type of processed products. But not all this chocolate melts quickly, because in its processing this product can use fat from palm oil which makes the product not easy to melt.

2. Compound chocolate
Compound chocolate or commonly called cooking chocolate, merupak an  kinds of products that are often used in the food industry. This is because cooking chocolate can be heated directly, without changing its natural flavor.

Besides this type of product is also very easy to freeze at room temperature. Oh yes, you can also add scents or flavors to this type. Some chocolates that come into this type are, dark cooking chocolate , milk cooking chocolate , and white cooking chocolate .

3. Cocoa powder
Who, who doesn't know this type of chocolate? Yep,  Cocoa powder is one of the processed cocoa (cocoa fruit) made from cocoa butter  which is processed and extracted from liquid chocolate ( cocoa liquor) . Cocoa powder is often used for making drinks or mixes for cookie dough.

4. Coating chocolate
Well, the last type of chocolate is coating chocolate or  baking imported chocolate . The difference between chocolate coating and other types, namely its use as a chocolate coating on food, with the composition of vegetable fat, milk, sugar, leticin, and vanilla.

In addition, chocolate coating products are divided into three types, such as  unsweetened chocolate ( tasty and low in sugar content),  bittersweet (slightly bitter taste and low sugar content), and semisweet (slightly sweet).

Yep, that's the four types of processed chocolate products that you find in many shops or supermarkets. What do you do, Healthy Friend? You already know, what type of chocolate will you use for later processing? Hopefully this information is useful! Don't forget, share your  story here!

Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2019

Pineapple Benefits You Need to Know!

Image result for nanas
Pineapple Benefits You Need to Know! - Healthy Friend, do you know what fruit is there are many fans in Indonesia? Yep, pineapple. This fruit is suitable for consumption during the dry season, because it tastes sweet and juice.

Vitamin C contained in this fruit is quite high, you know! So that it can maintain the body's power so that it is not susceptible to disease. But you know what? If the nutrients contained in it have many benefits, it's good for the body! Want to know anything? So, let's check it out!

Decrease cholesterol levels
Do you know? One of the effects of high levels of cholesterol (fat in the bloodstream) on the body is the onset of hyperlipidemia . One of the ingredients in pineapple that can maintain cholesterol levels is niacin.

Yep, niacin has an antidislipidemic effect , so that in large quantities, it can help reduce cholesterol and free fatty acids in the blood. This is because niacin will inhibit the passage of fat to the liver, thereby reducing the formation of fat into cholesterol.

Reducing blood pressure
One of the factors causing hypertension (high blood pressure) is constriction of blood vessels, so that blood flow increases. If you don't immediately follow up, hypertension can cause heart disease.

Well, narrowing of blood vessels can be caused by a pile of fat in the bloodstream that blocks its flow. The presence of soluble fiber content in pineapple, can  inhibit the absorption of fat in the blood. So that it can reduce the risk of narrowing of the arteries.

Prevents the growth of cancer cells
Do you know why meat is served with pineapple before it is processed? Yep, the function is to soften the meat, because the bromelin enzyme content in pineapple breaks down the meat protein, making it soft.

But you know what? Apparently this enzyme can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, you know! The enzyme is  able to destroy the growth of cells or tissue that is beyond the control of the body's systems, such as cancer cells.

So from now on, you should not underestimate the benefits of pineapple. You can consume it directly or be used as juice or even jam. But keep in mind, for rheumatic sufferers to consume this fruit too much, yes because in the digestive system fermented into alcohol, so that it can trigger gout.

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